- There is a problem in the results displayed in CRM pricing and you do not know which tools or procedures can be used for troubleshooting it.
- You detect one of the following symtoms, which represent typical issues in pricing:
Error “Internal error during pricing” (message PRC_PRI 451)
Error occurred when processing Java programs
Customizing changes not reflected immediately in the pricing result
All the pricing conditions in one item are inactive
No condition rate found
Message "Condition record is missing" in pricing analysis
Message "Sample reading at header level (preliminary step) already unsuccessful"
Message "Access not made (initialized field)" in pricing analysis
Message "Access not made due to missing timestamp" in pricing analysis
Message "Requirement <requrirement number> not fulfilled" in pricing analysis
Condition rate found but condition is displayed with red status (error)
Condition value is wrong or not found
Issues related to user exits
Issues related to currency conversion
Rounding condition DIFF not calculated
Pricing redetermination (repricing) issues
Pricing not redetermined after change in custom header field
- SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
KBA , csg_q , AP-PRC-PR , Pricing , CRM-BTX-BF-PR , Pricing Interface , CRM-BF-PR , Pricing , Problem
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