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2486077 - SQL0804N The application program parameters for the current request are not valid. Reason code "106" DB6 DB2 LUW


  • SQL0804N  The application program parameters for the current request are not valid.  Reason code "106".  If a host variable or SQLVAR in the SQLDA is invalid then:  host variable/SQLVAR number = "18", SQLTYPE = "485", SQLLEN = "3328", host variable/SQLVAR type = "INPUT".  SQLSTATE=07002 row=1
  • dev_w##.txt
              . . .
              C Day Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY
              C  *** ERROR in DB6Execute[dbdb6.c, 5277] CON = 0 (BEGIN)
              C  &+     DbSlModifyDB6( SQLExecute ): [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64] SQL0804N  The application program parameters for the cur
              C  &+     rent request are not valid.  Reason code "106".  If a host variable or SQLVAR in the SQLDA is invalid then:  host
              C  &+     variable/SQLVAR number = "18", SQLTYPE = "485", SQLLEN = "3328", host variable/SQLVAR type = "INPUT".  SQLSTATE=07
              C  &+     002 row=1
              C  &+
              C  &+     INSERT INTO "<Z_TABLE_NAME>" VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
              C  &+     ? )
              . . .
              C  &+                       18 CT=DECIMAL         T=DECIMAL         L=7     P=13    S=0
              . . .
              C  &+                       18 DECIMAL         I=7       000000000E5CCC
              . . .
              C  &+     ABAP location info '<SAP Z program name>', ####
              C  &+
              C  *** ERROR in DB6Execute[dbdb6.c, 5277] (END)
              B  ***LOG BY4=> sql error -804   performing INS on table <Z_TABLE_NAME> [dbtrtab      3770]
              B  ***LOG BY0=> SQL0804N  The application program parameters for the current request are not valid.  Reason code "106".  If a host variable or SQLVAR in the SQLDA is invalid then:  host variable/SQLVAR number = "18", SQLTYPE = "485", SQLLEN = "3328", host
              . . .
              A  Day Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY
              A  ABAP Program <SAP Z program name>                             .
              A  Source <source_name>                              Line ###.
              A  Error Code DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR.





SQL0804N  application program parameters current request are not valid Reason code 106  SQLDA invalid then number SQLTYPE SQLLEN host variable SQLVAR type  INPUT  SQLSTATE row dev work trace ERROR DB6Execute dbdb6.c CON BEGIN DbSlModifyDB6 SQLExecute IBM CLI Driver DB2 AIX64 SQL0804N  INSERT INTO Z_TABLE_NAME DECIMAL ABAP location info END sql error -804   performing INS on table dbtrtab ABAP Program Source Line Error Code DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR. , KBA , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem

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