You get an error stating the date is in an incorrect format: "Date (XX.XX.XXXX ) is not in format 06.04.YYYY (Feature GBCHG Branch XXX )"
Example: you get one or both of the below errors after running the P11D report:
"Date (31.12.9999 ) is not in format 06.04.YYYY (Feature GBCHG Branch 016 )"
"Date (31.12.9999 ) is not in format 06.04.YYYY (Feature GBCHG Branch 015 )"
The date will show what you've set up in the feature.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- Human Capital Management (HCM)
- SAP R/3
- SAP ERP Core Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
PC00_M08_CTXB, RPCP11G0 , KBA , PY-GB-BA , B2A: Business to Administration , Problem
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