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2486999 - DB6: SQL0613N During MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG Step of NW 7.40 Upgrade for BW


You got following error when performing the BW system upgrade to Netweaver 7.40 at the phase: MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG:

3 ETP000 ALTER COLUMN "GN_IOBJVAL" set data type SAPDB6CHAR(001333)
3 ETP000 ALTER COLUMN "GN_SOURVAL" set data type SAPDB6CHAR(001333)
3 ETP000 
2WETP000 22:15:16: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/BI0/AGN_CONV00 " - repeat
2EETP345 22:15:28: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-613-SQL0613N The primary key, unique key, or table parti
2EETP345 tioning key identified by "/BI0/AGN_CONV00~0" is too long or has too many columns and peri
2EETP345 ods. SQLSTATE=54008" in DDL statement for "/BI0/AGN_CONV00 "
2 ETP000 --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
2EETP334 22:15:28: error in DDL, nametab for "/BI0/AGN_CONV00" not activated




SAP on IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Upgrade to Netweaver 7.40 for BW system


SQL0613N, RSCHAVL, SAPDB6CHAR, 1333 , KBA , BW-SYS-DB-DB6 , BW DB2 Universal Database , BW-WHM-MTD , Metadata (repository) , Problem

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