SAP system starts but you cannot login via SAP GUI - it's just hanging and doesn't move forward.
In dev_disp following entries appear:
Sat Jun 10 14:27:08:032 2017*** WARNING => DpDeadlockCheck: potential deadlock detected (33. check) [dpxxwp.c 4522]
Sat Jun 10 14:27:09:032 2017*** WARNING => DpDeadlockCheck: potential deadlock detected (34. check) [dpxxwp.c 4522]
Sat Jun 10 14:27:10:033 2017*** WARNING => DpDeadlockCheck: potential deadlock detected (35. check) [dpxxwp.c 4522]
********** SERVER SNAPSHOT 1 (Reason: Deadlock for normal priority requests detected) - begin **********
Prio Class Normal
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 3600 sec
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 1800 sec
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 0
maxTicketsForPrioIncrement[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 0
withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = true
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] explicitly set with parameters rdisp/rfc_min_wait_dia_wp and/or rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp
********** SERVER SNAPSHOT 1 (Reason: Deadlock for low priority requests detected) - begin **********
Prio Class Low
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = infinite
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = infinite
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 0
maxTicketsForPrioIncrement[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 0
withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = true
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] explicitly set with parameters rdisp/rfc_min_wait_dia_wp and/or rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp
Found 0 active workprocesses
Total number of workprocesses is xx
Found x active workprocesses
Total number of workprocesses is xx
(where number of active work processes is much less than total number of work processes)
- SAP Kernel 7.4x
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
scheduler , RFC , HTTP , KBA , BC-CST-DP , Dispatcher, Task Handler , Problem
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