- You are using integration of Business Partners from C4C to external system
- You have created a customer account and maintained one line address for this customer
- This line address is flagged as Yes in both columns Ship-to and Bill-to
- In outgoing payload of service interface BusinessPartnerReplicationSelfInitiatedOut, you are expecting to see the fields <AddressUsageCode>BILL_TO</AddressUsageCode> and <AddressUsageCode>SHIP_TO</AddressUsageCode>
- But the AddressUsageCode is showing <AddressUsageCode>XXDEFAULT</AddressUsageCode>
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1705 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1708 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1711
KBA , LOD-CRM-ACC , Account , How To
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