> SCM background jobs are failing. Joblog of /SAPAPO/ jobs reporting:
11.05.2017 02:05:47 Connection to liveCache failed /SAPAPO/ ...
> Corresponding syslog entries (transaction SM21):
Date | TIME | Type | Process No | Cl. | Message ID | Message Text |
11.05.2017 | 2:04:33 | DIA | 015 | 0 | Q0I | Operating system call getaddrinfo failed (error no. 0 ) |
11.05.2017 | 2:04:40 | DIA | 015 | 0 | BY2 | Database error -10709 at CON |
11.05.2017 | 2:04:40 | DIA | 015 | 0 | BY0 | > Connection failed (RTE:server rejected connection) |
11.05.2017 | 2:05:47 | BTC | 058 | 1 | BYM | SQL error -10709 occurred; work process in reconnect status |
11.05.2017 | 2:05:48 | BTC | 058 | 1 | BYY | Work process has left reconnect status |
11.05.2017 | 2:05:48 | BTC | 058 | 1 | F6F | TemSe object JOBLGX00050600X07569 was closed remotely |
11.05.2017 | 2:05:51 | BTC | 058 | 1 | R47 | Delete session T197_U10623_M0 after error Bad DB connection. [Error/DB] |
11.05.2017 | 2:09:34 | DIA | 018 | 0 | Q0I | Operating system call getaddrinfo failed (error no. 0 ) |
> Corresponding workprocess trace (transaction ST11) reports:
>>> dev_w58:
B Thu May 11 02:05:47:682 2017
B Connect to LCA as SAP<LC_SID> with <liveCache_hostname>-<LC_SID>
C Try to connect as SAP<LC_SID>/<pwd>@<liveCache_hostname>-<LC_SID> on connection 1 ...
C *** ERROR => Connect to database failed, rc = -10709 (Connection failed (RTE:server rejected connection))
[dbmaxsql.cpp 680]
C {root-id=C5ED1717A6751EE78DB99983057A470E}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
B ***LOG BYM=> severe DB error -10709; work process in reconnect status [dbsh 1190]
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error -10709 performing CON [dbds 1255]
B ***LOG BY0=> Connection failed (RTE:server rejected connection) [dbds 1255]
M Thu May 11 02:05:48:787 2017
M ThICommit: bad db connection state
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThICommit: bad db connection state (step TH_WORK_SYNC, thRc ERROR-DB-BAD_CONN, action RELEASE_WP, level 1) [thxxhead
M {root-id=C5ED1717A6751EE78DB99983057A470E}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
M ThIErrHandle: set thRc ERROR-DB-BAD_CONN for T197_U10623_M0
M ThResetEmMagic: reset em magic for T197_U10623_M0_I2
> Xserver log on the server hosting the MaxDB or liveCache reports:
2017-05-10 02:00:38 20738 1 ERR 11708 EXECUTE Could not start a new process '/sapdb/<DB/LC_SID>/db/pgm/dbmsrv', rc = 11
2017-05-11 02:04:40 32928 1 ERR 11922 XSERVER Could not fork background proccess:Resource temporarily unavailable
2017-05-11 02:05:47 32928 1 ERR 11922 XSERVER Could not fork background proccess:Resource temporarily unavailable
MaxDB or liveCache running on AIX platform
KBA , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , BC-OP-AIX , IBM AIX , Problem
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