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2488623 - Mapping does not create the expected amount of target messages


In the SAP Cloud Platform Integration IFlow you use a mapping step where the output should contain multiple occurence of the message in order to use them in the subsequent flow steps, like a Splitter to decompose a composite message into a series of individual messages and send them to a receiver:


However in the receiver system only some of the messages arrived from the source Bulk message, and the rest of the data is missing.



SAP Cloud Platform Integration


SAP Cloud Platform Integration for process services 1.0


HCI, HANA Cloud Integration, SAP Cloud Platform Integration, IFlow, mapping, Source element, Target element, data structure, cardinality, occurence, splitter, idoc, wsdl, xsd , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-RT , Integration Runtime , LOD-HCI-PI-MAP , Integration Mapping Service , Problem

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