SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2488629 - Unable to Find Scrapping View in Internal Logistics Workcenter


You have assigned Scrapping View for required Business User but still you are unable to find the Scrapping View under Internal Logistics workcenter.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Internal Logistics Workcenter.
  2. Here you are unable to find Scrapping View.


Scrapping View (SCRAP_GOODS_MAINT_WCVIEW) is a hidden view. It displays with Common Task View and therefore will be visible only when required Business User is assigned to any of the work center views which are relevant to the Internal Logistics workcenter. 


In order to find Scrapping view, you have to follow below given steps:

  1. Go to the Application and User Management Workcenter.
  2. Show all users and find the required Business User ID.
  3. Select and Edit it.
  4. Choose Access Rights option via Edit.
  5. Navigate to Access Restrictions tab.
  6. Find Workcenter Internal Logistics.
  7. Here expand the view and also mark the checkbox assigning any of the below views to the business user as per your requirement:
            SCM_INTLOGSAUTOMATEDACTNS – Automated actions 
           SCM_INTLOGSBYWRHSORDER – By Warehouse order
           SCM_INTLOGSBYWRHSREQUEST – By Warehouse Request
          SCM_INTLOGSTASKCONTROL – Task Control
          SCM_INTLOGSWAREHOUSEREQS – Warehouse Requests


KBA , scrapping view , internal logistics workcenter , AP-IDP , Inbound Delivery Processing , How To


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