- You are in the process of installing a S4HANA system with SWPM and face the following error message:
Error during execution of HdbCmdClazz 'CREATE_SQL_ROLE_USER_SEQUENCE' : class, parameters received. Start execution. Check HdbCmdOut.log and HdbStdout.txt for further information. <Day Month Time year>| | Parameter DATABASE_SID must not be empty for a connect to a multiple-container system!
Or you face the following error when installing ERP system on HANA DB Version 2 SPS2:
Error during execution of HdbCmdClazz 'CREATE_SQL_ROLE_USER_SEQUENCE' : class, parameters received. Start execution. Check HdbCmdOut.log and HdbStdout.txt for further information. <Day Month time year> | | Error during execution of SQL command: ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('nameserver.ini', 'SYSTEM' ) SET ('statisticsserver', 'active') = 'true' WITH RECONFIGURE SAP DBTech JDBC: [2]: general error: Configuration parameters for nameserver.ini can only be altered from SYSTEMDB
- HANA DB is already installed using HDBLCM and is a Multitenant DB.
SAP HANA DB Version 2 SPS2
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
KBA , HAN-LM-INS-SAP , Installation of SAP Systems on HANA , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , HAN-LM-INS-DB , Installation of HANA Database , Problem
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