Index Advisor Join Key Columns IEM.customer.domicile_country_code (varchar(2)) and (varchar(9)) have mismatched data types
From query plan: Output 6 FPVALUE(FPORDINAL(customer_2__.domicile_country_code`(2), 1)) Output 6 Data Type varchar(2) Output 6 Column's Declared Data Type varchar(60) and Output 1 country_2__.code`(66) Output 1 Data Type varchar(9) Output 1 Column's Declared Data Type varchar(254) CREATE TABLE statement for table IEM.customer: ....... derivative_client_type_code varchar(60) null, derivative_client_type_desc varchar(60) null, derived_obligor_limit_rating varchar(60) null, domicile_city_bkp varchar(60) null, domicile_country_code varchar(60) null, <============= domicile_postal_code varchar(60) null, domicile_state_or_province varchar(60) null, domicile_street_address varchar(254) null, ....... -
Inner and outer joins performance may be affected
- IQ16.0 and later
SAP IQ 16.0
IQ mismatched data types advisor , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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