This SAP KBA aims to cover general topics related to all TDF solutions.
Although every effort is being made to provide a complete set of information in this Troubleshooting Guide, this document is not exhaustive. If additional topics arise, this SAP KBA will be updated to reflect the most recent and accurate information.
If your question is not answered here or any information does not seem to be up-to-date, open an case at SAP Support Portal under FIN-TMF-BR component for further clarification.
For more specific information about each TDF solution, refer to the following troubleshooting guides:
2924049 - TDF: EFD ICMS IPI Troubleshooting Guide
2924050 - TDF: ECD Troubleshooting Guide
2924063 - TDF: EFD Contribuições Troubleshooting Guide
2922987 - TDF: ECF Troubleshooting Guide
2562251 - TDF: CIAP Troubleshooting Guide
2922995 - TDF: EFD REINF Troubleshooting Guide
2922996 - TDF: eSocial Troubleshooting Guide
2917399 - TDF: e-Financeira Troubleshooting Guide
2917416 - TDF: Messaging Framework Troubleshooting Guide
3136024 - TDF: PIS/COFINS Credit Control Suite Troubleshooting Guide
A - Solution Overview
B - Installation and Upgrade
C - Basic Configuration
D - Correction Strategy
E - Shadow and Complementary Tables
F - Rectification in TDF
G - SAP Community
H - TDF Requirements for case Handling
I - ERP SAP Notes
J - Common Issues
K - Non Technical
LAST UPDATE: 02.12.2024
LAST CHANGE: Merged J5 and old J37
sped, efd, pco, ecd, ecf, tdf, tax declaration framework, tom, tax obligation manager, contribuições, ICMS, IPI, HANA, HANA Studio, register, registro, block, bloco, kba, reinf, esocial, overview, how-to scenarios
, KBA , FIN-TMF-BR , Tax Management Framework Brazil , How To
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