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2490268 - SQL Error dfo_cOrderByParaIn::PrefetchAndSort - SAP IQ


** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
** at dflib\dfo.cxx:1982 on thread xxxx (TID 0)
** Error detected at DFO #314 Order By (shadow 0)
** Please report this to SAP IQ support
** with the following diagnostic information,
** and, if possible, with the user's command.
** IQ Version: SAP IQ/16.0.110/10487/P/sp11.09
** OS info: IQ built on: MS/Windows 2003, Executed on: Windows/TDCSV048/WinNT/6.3/Build 9600//x86 Family/level 6/Model 63/Stepping 2/2 CPU(s)
** Command status when error occured: CURSOR ACTIVE

***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************

===== Thread Number xxxx (IQ connID: 0000000000) =====

void __cdecl pcpstack(
void __cdecl StackTraceForThisThread(..
public: __cdecl df_Exception::df_Exception(..
public: static void __cdecl df_Exception::ThrowException(..
public: class s_workAllocator * __ptr64 __cdecl dfo::ConstructWorkAllocatorInternal(..
public: class s_workAllocator * __ptr64 __cdecl dfo::ConstructWorkAllocator(..
public: virtual void __cdecl dfo_cOrderByParaIn::PrefetchAndSort(..
public: virtual void __cdecl dfo_cOrderBy::SourcePreFetch(..
public: virtual void __cdecl dfo_Combiner::SourcePreFetch(..
protected: virtual int __cdecl dfo_Combiner::FetchOpus(..
public: int __cdecl dfo::Fetch(..
public: int __cdecl dfo::Fetch(..

******************* End of STACKTRACE ******************
** End of stack trace from Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error dflib\dfo.cxx:1982

Exception Thrown from dflib\dfo.cxx:1982, Err# 0, tid 5 origtid 5
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216 (df_Exception); SQLCode: -1006001, SQLState: 'QBA01', Severity: 23
: IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.



  • SAP IQ 16.0 
  • SAP IQ 16.1 


SAP IQ 16.0


SAP IQ, IQ, UNION, JOIN, Order by, DFO, dfo_cOrderByParaIn, PrefetchAndSort, df_Exception, 9216, -1006001, QBA01 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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