- After Installing or running repair of Analysis Office (AO) ADD ON for BIP, all AO schedules are faililng in BI Launchpad.
- Issue occurs on all AO Schedules
- This is even after going through following checklist - SAP Note 2134836 - Checklist for Scheduling of Analysis for Office Workbooks.
- The AO worksheet schedule only says failed without much detail
- High level trace log for AOSchedulingService_Child procdess [enabled on AJS running the AO Scheduling service ] shows following errors.
pssFactoryClassName is null or blank: cannot proceed with initialization.
Caught unexpected exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: pssFactoryClassName is null or blank.
at com.businessobjects.js.child.ProcessingSubsystemHost.throwIllegalArgumentException(
at com.businessobjects.js.child.ProcessingSubsystemHost.<init>(
at com.crystaldecisions.enterprise.ocaframework.idl.OSCA.OSCAip.IJobPOA._OB_op_run(
Failed to create ProcessingSubsystemHost due to an unexpected exception.
- SAP Business Objects BI Platform 4.2 (eg: 4.2 SP2 Patch 7)
- SAP Analysis Office Add on for BIP 2.3.3
- Windows Server Operating System
Analysis, office, AO, schedule, fail, service, object, pssFactoryClassName , KBA , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , BI-RA-AO-BIP , AO Precalculation, Scheduling and AO InfoOb... , Problem
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