If you specify "= NULL" for a multicolumn index with a numeric column type, SAP IQ will return a conversion error.
(DBA)> select col1,col2 from repro_tbl where col1 = NULL and col2 = NULL
col1 col2
There was an error reading the results of the SQL statement.
The displayed results may be incorrect or incomplete.
Data exception - data type conversion is not possible.
(dflib/dfp_MColEquality.cxx 351)
SQLCODE=-1001006, ODBC 3 State="HY000"
(0 rows)
- SAP IQ 15.x
- SAP IQ 16.x
SAP IQ, index, HG, multi column, NULL, conversion, dfp_MColEquality.cxx , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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