- The enqueue monitor reports following problem:
Error in Central Lock Handler
An internal error occurred in the central lock handler. You will find one or more further lines of information in the system log that describe the problem in more detail.
- Enqueue related errors appear in dev_wxx trace similar to:
M ***LOG Q0I=> NiPGetHostByName: '<host>' not found: getaddrinfo (-3: Unknown error 18446744073709551613) [/bas/745_REL/src/base/ni/niuxi.c 1768]
M *** ERROR => NiHLGetNodeAddr: NiPGetHostByName failed (rc=-1) [nixxhl.cpp 284]
M {root-id=9C8E991F5EE01ED792F29B084F7A7768}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
E *** ERROR => EncCliCon:hostname <host> unknown [enccli.c 299]
E *** ERROR => EnsaCliICreateHandle: cannot get handle from layer 0 (EncCli): rc=-2 [ensacli.c 1034]
E *** ERROR => EnsaCliLayerGetHandle: failed to create new handle (7) [ensacli.c 285]
E *** ERROR => ENSA_CommInit: failed to connect to server at <host>/sapdp<nr> through layer EncCli (rc=7) [ensaclnt.c 764]
E *** ERROR => ENSA_Connect(): ENSA_CommInit() returned error -2 [ensaclnt.c 848]
E *** ERROR => EnqParams: failed to connect to remote standaloneenqueue server (rc=8) [enxxhead.c 1518]
E *** ERROR => ENSA_GetComBuffer: ENSA_Connect() ,connect to enqueue server failed. [ensaclnt.c 1719]
E *** ERROR => Enqueue: no REMOTESA-Buffer available (nil) 0 [enxxhead.c 3055]
M ***LOG GH0=> [enctrl.c 1992]
M ***LOG GI4=> [enctrl.c 1992]
E *** ERROR => DequeAll() failed. Returncode = 8 [enctrl.c 1994]
SAP NetWeaver
name resolution /etc/hosts GI0 GI4 , KBA , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , BC-NET , Obsolete - Formerly used for network tests , BC-CST-NI , Network Interface , Problem
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