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2491497 - Random secondary node crash with "Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync" error -- SAP IQ


Random secondary node crash with "Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync" error.

Secondary node .iqmsg file shows information similar to following.
 I. 02/28 03:04:37. 0000000006 Disposition: SQLSTATE:52010  [ No recovery!! ]
 I. 02/28 03:04:37. 0000000006 ***Emergency Shutdown***
 I. 02/28 03:04:37. 0000000006 Exception Thrown from dblib/db_iqutility.cxx:4513, Err# 46, tid 6 origtid 6
 I. 02/28 03:04:37. 0000000006    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 1025 (db_catalogException); SQLCode: -1009413, SQLState: 'QCB11', Severity: 23
 I. 02/28 03:04:37. 0000000006 [21051]: Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync.
 -- (dblib/db_iqutility.cxx 4513)
 I. 02/28 03:04:37. 0000000006 sp_mpxprocesstlvlog exception, SQLSTATE=QCB11 [Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync.
 -- (dblib/db_iqutility.cxx 4513) ]



SAP IQ 16.x


SAP IQ 16.0


Emergency Shutdown , sp_mpxprocesstlvlog , "Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync" , tlvlog , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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