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2491688 - Adding new main dbfile caused secondary node emergency shutdown - SAP IQ


Adding new main dbfile in coordinator node caused secondary node emergency shutdown.

alter DBSPACE dbspace1 ADD FILE file3  '/xxx/yyy/file3' size zz;

The main symptom of this problem is the extra comma (,) in the TLV log entry, which in turn causes failure while replaying this TLV log entry on the secondary nodes.

Following is a snippet from the secondary node’s iqmsg highlighting the erroneous statement:

I. 06/12 17:16:32. 0000000611 Txn 133419982 0 133415585
I. 06/12 17:16:32. 0000000611 Shared IQ Store update DDL statement:
ALTER DBSPACE "dbspace1" ADD FILE "file3"  '/xxx/yyy/file3' FILE ID 16407 PREFIX 65536 FINISH 0 FIRST BLOCK 3205581312 BLOCK COUNT 134217728 RESERVE 0 COMMITID 133415593 CREATETIME '2017-06-12 17:16:24.733'
I. 06/12 17:16:32. 0000000611 Disposition: SQLSTATE:42W04  [ No recovery for DBSPACE!!]


I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 Txn 133420022 0 133415604
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 Read2 @EOF blkno 138099520 for 3 block(s) (dbBlkSz 32768) File: '/xxx/yyy/file2'
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 {140005538109184} main Bufman: I/O error while reading; from slib/s_buf.cxx:1312
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 {140005538109184} expected: btype=7,pbn=3205581375,txn=133415609,sp=45463,nlb=16,npb=3,iscmp=1,uid=31218365,blk=1,mn=112110,upmn=112110,flgs=0x80000018
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 {140005538109184} head: btype=7,pbn=171652108,txn=133415609,sp=45462,nlb=16,npb=3,iscmp=1,ctr=136,cta=134,ver=1,pb=245,pus=1
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 {140005538109184} buffer: 0x07001000030088860c343b0a00000000b9c2f3070000000096b1000001f50100
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 {140005538109184} Expected Pad1: 189 (0xbd), Pad2: 1 (0x0001)
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 {140005538109184} Got Pad1: 245 (0xf5), Pad2: 1 (0x0001)
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 There was an s_buf::Read() error during s_bufman::Find().
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 Exception Thrown from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:5782, Err# 0, tid 6 origtid 6
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2094 (s_readexception); SQLCode: -1009044, SQLState: 'QSA44', Severity: 23
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 [20065]: An IO error was encountered while reading a database page in INVALID_DBSPACE DBSpace. Please check your IQ message file for additional information.
-- (slib/s_blockmap.cxx 5782)
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 sp_mpxprocesstlvlog exception, SQLSTATE=QSA44 [An IO error was encountered while reading a database page in INVALID_DBSPACE DBSpace. Please check your IQ message file for additional information.
-- (slib/s_blockmap.cxx 5782) ] runstate=S(1)
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 ***Emergency Shutdown***
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 Exception Thrown from dblib/db_iqutility.cxx:4513, Err# 46, tid 6 origtid 6
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 1025 (db_catalogException); SQLCode: -1009413, SQLState: 'QCB11', Severity: 23
I. 06/12 17:16:36. 0000000614 [21051]: Secondary server cannot maintain catalog sync.
-- (dblib/db_iqutility.cxx 4513)


 The same alter dbspace command, showing the extra comma, can be also found in sp_iqmpxdumptlvlog output

  • The dbfile is actually added correctly in Cordinator catalog but unexpectedly was not replicated to secondary node.
  • Restarting the secondary node will succeed and catalog will be correctly synchronized.



  • SAP IQ 16 SP11 PL09
  • SAP IQ 16.1
  • Multiplex


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1


Sybase, CR 808952, CR# 808952,  808952,  42W04,  INVALID_DBSPACE , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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