SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2491830 - SOLMAN_SETUP dump when you access SLD Connections


You have a Solution Manager 7.2 and when you click SLD Connections in SOLMAN_SETUP, you're receiving the dump below.

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Category               ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors         SYNTAX_ERROR
Web Dynpro Component   FPM_OVP_COMPONENT
Application Component  BC-WD-CMP-FPM

|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    Syntax error in program "/1BCWDY/0AXVSK3C7QW0ELSHMRAI==CP        ".                           |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The current ABAP program "CL_WDR_CLIENT_COMPONENT=======CP" had to be                         |
|     terminated because it has                                                                    |
|    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                |
|    In include "/1BCWDY/S_0AXVSK3C7QW0ELUMAES5          ", in line 127 of program                 |
|     "/1BCWDY/0AXVSK3C7QW0ELSHMRAI==CP        ", the following syntax errors                      |
|    have occurred:                                                                                |
|    Type "IG_PERS_DIALOG_CONTROL" is unknown                                                      |
|                                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Author and last person to change the include are:                                             |
|    Author         CSAM                                                                           |
|    Last changed by "CSAM        "                                                                |
|      Web Dynpro Component          FPM_OVP_COMPONENT                                             |
|      Controller                    PERS_DIALOG



Solution Manager 7.2


SAP Solution Manager 7.2


KBA , SV-SMG-INS , Installation, Configuration and Upgrade of Solution Manager , SV-SMG-INS-CFG , Setup and Configuration of the Solution Manager system , BC-WD-CMP-FPM , Floorplanmanager , Problem

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