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2491908 - FICUSTOM401: FMDERIVE Consistency Check 01 error during WRX RMRP


You are using Funds Management in an S/4HANA system, or migrated from an older release with Funds Management active to S/4HANA
You receive error FICUSTOM401 while posting Invoices
In the case of Upgrade, this error did not occur before with your previous FMDERIVE settings



S/4HANA with Funds Management active


SAP S/4HANA all versions


FICUSTOM401 FI CUSTOM401 FICUSTOM 401 MIRO MIGO KBA Commitment item Financial transaction GR GR_CLR IR_CLR Good Receipt MIGO RMWE RMRP Invoice receipt Invoice Inv IR Goods receipt GR GRN Goods issue , KBA , PSM-FM-UP-AD , Account assignment Determination , Problem

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