- Data is no longer being replicated to the destination
- The queue of the DSI connection which is hanging is filling up with data coming in from primary site
- No error message in errorlog is indicating that the DSI has a problem
- Admin who output for the hang DSI is reporting following status
DSI EXEC Awaiting Command 168(1) DEST_SERV.DBNAME |
DSI Awaiting Message 168 DEST_SERV.DBNAME
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1
SAP Replication Server 15.7
SRS, Replication Server, Rep Server, no error, hang, freeze, DSI, CR# 792642, CR#792642, CR792642, 792642, CR# 801638, CR#801638, CR801638, 80163, hung, hanging, stopped, stops, , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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