- After upgrading SAP Contact Center to SP10 there are issues with integration between CDT and Siebel CTI
- This problem happens when the agents logs off, which breaks the synchronization
- The CDT log is not being captured in OII log, as a consequence, the Siebel CTI is not logging out even after the CDT has logged out
- The following errors are observed in the OII logs:
- INF> Domain=/LM/W3SVC/5/ROOT/OII-1-131423599835352636 _shutDownMessage=Change in GLOBAL.ASAX HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown Change in GLOBAL.ASAX HostingEnvironment caused shutdown
- TRC> Invalid.Unsubscribe: user= appUrl=http://IPADDRESS/OIIReceiver/OIIListener.asmx?op=userChanged appId=2340d63a-94ed-4727-a901-176345d5d5be
- TRC> Invalid.Unsubscribed: count=1
- SAP Contact Center Support Pack 10
- Siebel CTI
SAP Contact Center, on-premise edition 7.0
Business Communication Management, CCtr, SCC, CCI, CRM-CCI, Support Pack 7.0.10, Siebel CRM, Integration, Sync, Synchronization, Upgrade, Broken Synchronization, HostingEnvironment initiated shutdown , KBA , CRM-CCI , Contact Center Infrastructure , Problem
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