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2492940 - HCI DS job finishes successfully even the flat file source has bad data


  • In error log:

2017-06-23 00:56:02       (E)(9384:11592)    FIL-80105       |Data flow <Data flow name>|Reader Input11
                                                               A row delimiter was seen for row number <1> while processing column number <3> in file <File path and name>. The row
                                                               delimiter should be seen after <4> columns. Check the file for bad data, or redefine the input schema for the file by editing
                                                               the file format in the UI.

  • In trace log:

2017-06-23 00:56:02       (9384:3924)        DATAFLOW:Data flow <Data flow name> is completed successfully.
2017-06-23 00:56:02       (9384:3924)        DATAFLOW:Process to execute data flow <Data flow name> is completed.
2017-06-23 00:56:02       (10500:10760)           JOB:Job <Job name> is completed successfully.



HCI for data services


SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0


synchronize, synchronization, different result , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem

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