- Executing infocube using tcode LISTCUBE fails.
- Following error message can be seen in the indexserver trace file:
"[64238]{301196}[105/-1] 2017-06-07 14:51:13.787802 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiSearch.cpp(06394) : IndexID: SAPSDD:0BW:BIA:<INFOCUBENAME>(v 20967664), QueryMediator failed executing query, reason: olap: merging multi value dicts is not implemented, please make sure the following join cardinality is modeled correctly (did you use 1:1 when the data really is 1:N or N:M?);BwPopJoin1Inwards pop167(SAPSDD:<TABLENAME>Den.<TABLENAME>to .SID)"
- SAP HANA Revision 1.0/2.0
- SAP Netweaver 7.x
multiple record, SID, fail, Cardinality, cube , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG-BW , SAP HANA BW Engine , Problem
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