- DBCC CHECKSTORAGE raised 1 fault and Error 100030 was listed in sp_dbcc_faultreport.
1> sp_dbcc_faultreport @dbname=test
2> go
Generating recommendations for database test
Database level recommendations:
Reload the database from a clean backup.
Recommended corrective action for object test_rule, objid 1356531866:
Drop the object and recreate it.
Contact Sybase Technical Support if the recommended corrective action does not resolve the faults.
Database Name : test
Table Name Index PartitionId Fault Type Page Number
------------ ------- ----------------- -------------------------- -----------------
test_rule 255 1356531866 100030 (page format error) 1178558
(1 row affected)
- However, the following DBCC checks are clean.
dbcc checkdb(test)
dbcc checkcatalog(test)
dbcc checktable (test_rule)
dbcc tablealloc ('test_rule ', 'full', 'nofix')
dbcc textalloc ('test_rule ', 'full', 'nofix')
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
spurious, persistent, rebuild_text , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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