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2495074 - Recovery failed with data backup file of higher HANA revision


You are performing system copy using HANA backup and recovery. And it fails with the following error :

RECOVER DATA finished with error: [448] recovery could not be completed, volume 1, reached log position 0, [110025] BackupExecutor: exception 3020049: Page 0x3ffcL has wrong owner: Expected [filemap] but found 0xffffffffffffffed-EID; $patype$=Default



And in nameserver trace, you could see the following error, and seems that the data backup file is corrupt.

[60771]{-1}[-1/-1] 2017-06-21 01:16:58.808452 e Backup           BackupMgr_Manager.cpp(06630) : RECOVER DATA finished with error: [448] recovery could not be completed, volume 1, reached log position 0, [110025] BackupExecutor: exception : Page 0x3ffcL has wrong owner: Expected [filemap] but found 0xffffffffffffffed-EID; $patype$=Default
[60771]{-1}[-1/-1] 2017-06-21 01:16:58.809750 f topology         Topology.cpp(00180) : persistence startup failed with persistence startup error. exception  1: no.3020049  (DataAccess/PageAccess/impl/LogicalPageAccessImpl.cpp:269)
     Page 0x3ffcL has wrong owner: Expected [filemap] but found 0xffffffffffffffed-EID; $patype$=Default
 exception throw location:
  1: 0x00007f87a297c66c in PageAccess::LogicalPageAccess::checkExpectedOwner(PageAccess::PageNo const&, DataContainer::ContainerID const&, DataContainer::ContainerID const&, ResourceManager::HandleMissingResourceMode) const+0xa8 at LogicalPageAccessImpl.cpp:265 (
  2: 0x00007f87a2983cba in PageAccess::LogicalPageAccessImpl::loadPageInternal(PageAccess::PageNo const&, DataContainer::ContainerID const&, ResourceManager::ResourceHint const&, ResourceManager::Disposition, bool, bool&, ResourceManager::HandleMissingResourceMode, bool const&)+0x1416 at LogicalPageAccessImpl.cpp:1394 (
  3: 0x00007f87a2984a5c in PageAccess::LogicalPageAccessImpl::loadPage(PageAccess::PageNo const&, DataContainer::ContainerID const&, ResourceManager::Disposition, Synchronization::SharedHandle&, ResourceManager::HandleMissingResourceMode)+0x48 at LogicalPageAccessImpl.hpp:130 (
  4: 0x00007f87a2984aed in PageAccess::LogicalPageAccess::loadPage(PageAccess::PageNo const&, DataContainer::ContainerID const&, ResourceManager::Disposition, Synchronization::SharedHandle&, ResourceManager::HandleMissingResourceMode)+0x49 at LogicalPageAccessImpl.cpp:422 (
  5: 0x00007f87a2813ca7 in PageAccess::PageHandleBase<PageAccess::LogicalPageControlBlock> DataContainer::PageChainContainerImpl::loadPageInternal<Synchronization::SharedHandle>(PageAccess::PageNo, ResourceManager::Disposition, Synchronization::SharedHandle&, ResourceManager::HandleMissingResourceMode, bool) const+0xc3 at PageChainContainerImpl.cpp:1511 (

But by using the hdbbackupcheck according to note 1869119 - Checking backups with "hdbbackupcheck", the check result is successful. This means that the backup file is not corrupt and can be used.

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  • HANA database 1.0 all releases


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition


Recovery failed, databackup file corrupt, log segment, system copy, system refresh , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , How To

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