Theme for SAP GUI for HTML isn't rendered correctly if it is called from Fiori 2.0, the following symptoms could be observed:
- “NON” SAP theme falls back to SAP Corbu Theme (sap_corbu), see the following as an example:
- SAP Belize Theme (sap_belize theme) is rendered with non-Visual Harmonization mode, see the following as an example:
- SAP Kernel 7.49 or higher
- NetWeaver 7.50 or higher
- SAP S/4HANA 1608 and later releases of SAP S/4HANA
- Fiori 2.0
SAP NetWeaver all versions
theme, SAP GUI for HTML, WebGUI, Fiori, Fiori 2.0, customized theme, sap_corbu, Corbu, Belize, Belize Deep, sap_belize, sap_belize_plus, S/4HANA, UI TD, ~override_saptheme, sap-theme, SICF , KBA , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-WD-UR , Unified Rendering , CA-FE-FLP-EU , Please use CA-FLP-FE-UI , How To
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