SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2496315 - Application Error on View of Job Relationships


1- Transfer of an employee for one position to another give an error upon approval with fingerprint=9d10534b8d3c98c7840d62f1fe9791188ee2867d,

After choosing OK or Cancel the system just hang After choosing OK or Cancel the system just hang

2- Attempt to access Employment Information for an employee throws an error with  fingerprint=9d10534b8d3c98c7840d62f1fe9791188ee2867d

3- Attempt to take action and change Job Relationships for an employee throws an error with  fingerprint=9d10534b8d3c98c7840d62f1fe9791188ee2867d

Reproducing the Issue

Error accessing Employment Information Or

Error When Accessing Job Relationships Portlet Or

Take action to change job Relationships


Click OK/Cancel – Job Info, Employment Details and Job Relationships endlessly load



The exception is caused by the fact the system is unable to fetch the correct name for the “Relationshipes user id”  i.e. Custom Manager Id (CM-Id) or/and HR Manager Id (HRM-Id) 

The system is trying to pull data from the userSysInfo table to build full name but there is an issue with "First Name". We can also see this is referencing to Job Relationship data.  So there is likely a data issue in the Job Relationship table or a null value for first/full name.

 The possible Use Cases are either configuration or data related – below are the known examples

By running an Adhoc report for Job Relationship on the affected user you may find (1 and/or 2):

1-      There is a break in the Start / end Date for one or all the Rel user id



2-      The start date the Rel-user-id is incorrect 



Check job relationship data for the affected users and possibly the new manager they are reporting to. 


1-      Fix the data for affected user as below ensuring there is only ONE row for each rel type 


This may import successfully but on the UI you may still encounter the error.

This may be due to the date issue mentioned in example 2


In which case you proceed with fix 2

2-      Check and fix the date on one or all the relationships type

Ensure that the Relationship type was valid a the start date mentioned in the report (it could be that the date was  wrongly imported )

In our use case the date should have been as below (10/04/2017 INSTEAD OF 01/03/2017)


TIP – To carry out the analysis and perform the correction – Please run Person and Employment Export Report for the affected data in this case Job Relationship

2489926- Correct or Update Job Relationships Information record via Import in Full Purge or Incremental Load


Make sure that the users in the rel-user-id column in the Job Relationships Info portlet, have a valid Personal Information record effective start same as their Job Info Hire record. Also check Basic User Data for the rel-user-id employee to make sure they have valid First Name and Last Name


fingerprint = 9d10534b8d3c98c7840d62f1fe9791188ee2867d getCurrentJobRelationsForUser Job Relationships Error getFullName , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-WFL , Workflows - Configuration, Tools, Objects & Rules , LOD-SF-EC-JOB , Job Information , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1705