- Attempts to create a new database using an SAP IQ 16.1 version of Cockpit console fail.
- The Cockpit console reports errors like...
Unable to start specified database: unable to start database "utility_db"
Failed to create database xxxxxxxx. Command exit value: 4. Error: Error at line 1
Failed to create 1 database(s).
- The Cockpit monitor agent log reports errors like...
[INFO ] [util.DatabaseAdminHelper] [RMI TCP Connection(239)-nn.nnn.nnn.nn] - Error at line 1
[ERROR] [iqap.IQCmdLineHelper] [outputReaderThread] - Unable to start specified database: unable to start database "utility_db"
[ERROR] [util.IQCmdLineUtils] [RMI TCP Connection(236)-nnn.n.n.n] - Failed to create database xxxxxxxxxx. Command exit value: 4. Error:
- SAP IQ 16.1 any platform
SAP IQ 16.1
utilitydb, fails, sybase, CR809278, CR#809278, 809278, "create database", "create db", upgrade, "dosnt work", "does not work", "no longer works", installed, instal, "utility db", iqcockpit, login, logon, failed, dblocate, resolve, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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