Your PI system is restarting and you see Out of Memory exceptions in the defaulTrace.X.trc and dev_serverX files. The exception is similar to:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
In this system a custom program executes a Java Mapping and you suspect that it can be using a lot of heap memory space.
- PI Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Process Integration
SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP Process Integration all versions
Process Integration 7.0, PI 7.0, PI 7.01, PI 7.02, Process Integration 7.10, PI 7.10, Process Integration 7.11, PI 7.11, Process Integration 7.30, PI 7.30, Process Integration 7.31, PI 7.31, Process Orchestration 7.40, PI 7.40, PO 7.40, Process Orchestration 7.50, PI 7.50, PO 7.50, NetWeaver, XI, processes mapping, Sequence Mapping, namespace, payload, OOM, outofmemory,, message ID
, KBA , BC-XI-IBC-MAP , Mapping , Problem
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