RDA monitor causes short dumps like:
Category ABAP Programming Error Runtime Errors ASSERTION_FAILED ABAP Program CL_RSCRT_RDA_STATUS===========CP Application Component BW-WHM-DST
When analyzing the dump, you see the exception being raised in this part of the code:
| 40| DATA l_s_status TYPE rscrt_rda_s_status. | 41| LOOP AT l_t_rda_req INTO l_s_rda_req. | 42| IF l_s_rda_req-rdaobject_type EQ 'NDS'. |>>>>>| ASSERT o_nds IS INITIAL. " only one NDS per InfoPackage. | 44| o_nds = l_s_rda_req-rdaobject. | 45| ENDIF.
SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse
SAP NetWeaver all versions
KBA , BW-WHM-DST-RDA , Realtime Data Acquisition , Problem
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