Software Provisioning Manager Tool (SAP Note 1680045) older than SWPM SP31 fails during SAP Solution Manager System installation in dialog phase. The required media depends on the started/selected Basis Version, it can be SAP NetWeaver 7.40 or 7.50
The requested media for Java Component NW740 SPS12:
If different installation media were provided, the following error displayed:
Specify a location for the requested package Java Component NW740 SPS12 (folder JAVA_J2EE_OSINDEP_UT).
SOLUTION: Specify the location which contains the correct LABEL.ASC file (look for SAP:UT:SPS12740:*:*:*).
Installation of SAP Solution Manager 7.2 based on SAP NetWeaver 7.40 or 7.50 AS Java using SWPM tool older than SP31
SWPM; SOLMAN; JAVA_J2EE_OSINDEP_UT; LABEL.ASC; installation; SOLUTION: Specify the location which contains the correct LABEL.ASC file (look for SAP:UT:SPS12740:*.*.*); SAP:J2EE-INST:SPS12740; SAPINST_STACK_XML; 51050819; 51052491 , KBA , solman , installation , swpm , java_j2ee_osindep_ut , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , Problem
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