Following error message was reported in phase "RUN_RSCPFROM" :
Directory : usr\sap\put\log
4 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="SID", Nr="00", GwHost="hostname", GwService="sapgw00"
4 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20170619115932
4 ETQ234 Call of function module "SUBST_CHECK_BATCHJOB" by RFC succeeded
4 ETQ239 Logging off from SAP system
1EETQ248 Missing log file(s) of report "RSCPFROM", matching "RSCPFROM\.<SID>"
2EETQ262 Batchjob "RSCPFROM" aborted
4 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="<SID>", Nr="00", GwHost="hostname**", GwService="sapgw**"
4 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded
2WETQ360 RFC of "subst_list_sys_logs" failed:
2WETQ361 code/exception : DUMP_ERROR
4 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="FES", Nr="00", GwHost="hostname", GwService="sapgw00"
4 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "RUN_RSCPFROM" aborted with severe errors ("20170619115932")
In ST22 DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR error reported for table E071E
Job log overview for job: RSCPFROM / 09100300
Job log Time Message text uncoded Message ID Msg.No. Msg.typ
10.05.2017 09:10:03 Job started 00 516 S
10.05.2017 09:10:04 Step 001 started (program RSCPFROM, variant SAP_CPFROMK, user ID DDIC) 00 550 S
10.05.2017 09:10:04 >>>Master process<<< TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 CTS_SERIAL Insert TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E070 Insert TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E070A Insert TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E070C Insert TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E070M Insert TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E070TC Insert TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E071 Insert TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E071C Insert TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E071E Update TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:10:04 E071K starte Bearbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:20 E071K Inserts 161477 TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:20 E071K Updates 991958 TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:20 E071K Ende der Verarbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:20 E071KF starte Bearbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:26 E071KF Inserts 60570 TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:26 E071KF Updates 87955 TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:26 E071KF Ende der Verarbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:26 E07T starte Bearbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:27 E07T Inserts 132 TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:27 E07T Updates 643 TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:27 E07T Ende der Verarbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:27 TLOCK starte Bearbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:27 TLOCK Inserts 0 TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:27 TLOCK Updates 0 TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:27 TLOCK Ende der Verarbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:37 E071E starte Bearbeitung TG 013 I
10.05.2017 09:11:39 Internal session terminated with runtime error DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR (see ST22) 00 671 A
10.05.2017 09:11:39 Job cancelled 00 518 A
For E071E~
Check the consistency :
Go to Extra-> -> RunTime Object -> Check
Below is the error :
Active DDIC source for E071E~ missing or incorrect
Upgrade using the SAPup
KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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