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Standard Scenario I - On Premise
- Easy to implement - a single optional SAProuter installation and a central SAProuter configuration.
- Standard industry security level for customers.
Standard Scenario II - On Premise
- More effort during implementation and configuration as each installation has a dedicated SAProuter installation and SAProuter configuration.
Advanced security level due to isolated environments for each installation with high security regulations.
Enhanced Scenario - PMC
Enhanced setup for Cloud providers, which reflects the special needs and requirements in this market leveraging the advantages of onPremise scenario II.
Increased number of supported SAProuters parallel (<25).
Partner in charge of system data maintenance.
Tips for SAP Solution Manager Set up in PMC model
One central SAP Solution Manager that grants access only to PMC partner operators (#3 in the illustration)
can be used with the precondition that all the information of connected customers are visible to the operators.
Operators can distinguish data by customers. - For the case Management (Helpdek) function, partners can grant their customers to access the SAP Solution Manager, while ensuring the data segregation.
Refer to the ITSM Set Up Guideline for configuration tips. -
Individual SAP Solution Manager for each customer (#1 & #2) is mandatory to grant access for customers in order to use all functions.
KBA , XX-SER-NET , Network connection , How To
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