Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- In CCLM workcenter, clicking on the Decommissioning Cockpit results in the following error:
500 SAP Internal Server Error
ERROR: Syntax error in program "CL_AGS_CC_DECOM============CP" . (termination: Rabax_STATE)
- The following Dump is visible in ST22:
Category ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
ABAP Program CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===============CP
Application Component SV-SMG-CCM-CDM
Short Text
Syntax error in program "CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===============CP ".
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "/1BCWDY/0O2TG97CXWLA5Q357EQL==CP" had to be
terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
In include "CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===============CM01I ", in line 1 of program
"CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===============CP ", the following syntax errors
have occurred:
Method "GET_OBJ_ALL_LIFECYCLE_LIST" does not exist. There is, however,
a method with the similar name "GET_OBJ_LIFECYCLE_LIST".
Error analysis
The following syntax error has occurred in program
CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===============CP :
Method "GET_OBJ_ALL_LIFECYCLE_LIST" does not exist. There is, however,
a method with the similar name "GET_OBJ_LIFECYCLE_LIST".
Information on where terminated
The termination occurred in ABAP program "/1BCWDY/0O2TG97CXWLA5Q357EQL==CP",
in "CONSTRUCTOR". The main program
In the source code, the termination point is in line 34 of (Include)
program "/1BCWDY/B_0O2TG97CXWLA5Q7YQMII"
OR - The following Dump is present in ST22:
Category ABAP Programming Error
ABAP Program CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===============CP
Application Component SV-SMG-CCM-CDM
Access using a 'ZERO' object reference is not possible.
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===============CP" had to be terminated because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
Information on where terminated
The termination occurred in ABAP program "CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===============CP", in "DELINK_FROM_PROJECT_OBJ". The main program was "SAPMHTTP"
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
CL_AGS_CC_DECOM, Syntax error, Decommissioning Cockpit, Internal Server Error, CCLM, Custom Code Lifecycle Management, SOLMAN, GET_OBJ_ALL_LIFECYCLE_LIST, syntax error, CL_AGS_CC_DECOM===========CP, GET_OBJ_LIFECYCLE_LIST, decommission , KBA , SV-SMG-CCM , Custom Code Management , Problem
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