You are using Maxdb database in windows platform. You can not connect to it via Database Studio. Database Studio shows "XServer inactive". Like below
Remote connection test by "dbmcli -n <hostname> also returns "XSERVER might be inactive". Here I erase the hostname because of privacy.
Opening 'Services.msc', you see 'XServer' service is missing. 'XServer-7200' and 'XServer-7299' (or additional XServer services entry, depending on the number of database instances) may exist. But 'XServer' does not exist. Like below:
Run command "x_server status" from OS to check its status. The result shows "Service 'XServer' not installed". Like below:
'XServer' service is the Global Listener, responsible to route all income connections to the database specific XServer (i.e. 'XServer-7200').
- Maxdb database
- Windows platform
XServer, missing, services.msc, x_server, XServer inactive, Database Studio , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , Problem
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