SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2498847 - Language Adaptation Did Not Work


After a successful Language Adaptation some changed text still shows as before.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

A Language Adaptation ABC (ABC represents the name) was created and successful apart from singled out text.


The texts for UI's are buffered in the system to avoid redundant data base read access for each user loading the same UI. It can happen that the texts get stuck in the buffer for a particular adaptation.

This means that the old texts before the Language Adaptation change did not get invalidated for any reason.



By invalidating the texts for the effected field manually, with the next read access the system recovers automatically and will consider the translations. You can try to fix the issue by simply doing a dummy change to one of the texts for the affected interface. This should invalidate the text buffer for this UI.

  1. Go to the Administrator workcenter.
  2. Go to the Language Adaptation.
  3. Open the Language Adaptation ABC.
  4. Go to the UI Texts tab.
  5. In Edit Mode, apply a change to the Target Text.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Edit again and revert the change.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Logoff the system. 
  10. Clear browser cache.
  11. Logon again.

If this problem occurs frequently in your system, please send a description of the circumstances in a case:

Do you miss translations after an Excel upload or after manual Language Adaptations?
Does this occur for one language only?
Which language is the logon language while doing the adaptations?


language adaptation, ui texts , KBA , language adaptation , AP-RC-TXA , C4C Text Adaptation , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions