SAP Solution Manager 7.2
Do you want to use transport management integration? If feasible, a task list will be assigned. If not, you will be asked to create one, Yes, No, calculate transport tracks, successfully calculated,source system, ABAP, project check, SMMN, SMDV, SMMM, SMAI, SMIN, SMIM, ZMIM, ZMAI, ZMMM, ZMDV, ZMMN, SAP0, SAP1, change cycle document, phase cycle, continual cycle, solar_project_admin, project, branch, logical component group, sites, change control landscape, solution, system roles, change cycle transaction types, SMRE, ZMRE, when the application calculates transport tracks, the source systems must be the ones defined in the logical components of the branch. aAll other systems on the transport tracks must in scope of the entire logical component groups under the change control landscape or the solution that is assigned to the cycle, a calid transport track must have one development system and at least one production system. if deseclecting a system makes the whole transport track invalid, all the systems of the track will be automatically deselected. Keep at least one valid transport track for creating a task list, task list variant, tasklist, variant 0, variant 1, Default variant for Task list . , KBA , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , Problem
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