- SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) with TM-ERP Order Integration.
- More than one Freight Units (FUs) are generated for a ERP Order.
- Delivery Proposals are sent for the FUs in the Transportation Cockpit (TC) via Create Transportation Proposals or the Overview Transportation Requirements Work list via Create Deliveries in ERP.
- Multiple deliveries are generated on ERP.
- Multiple IntracompanyTransportationRequestRequest_In messages are sent from ERP to TM, one for each generated deliveries.
- One or more IntracompanyTransportationRequestRequest_In messages fail on TM with error "Cannot find dTR for preceding delivery <delivery document>" (/SCMTMS/TRQ117).
- Error messages indicate that the IntracompanyTransportationRequestRequest_In messages are received on the TM side in sequence different from the sequence in which the delivery was generated on the ERP.
- For example:
- OutboundDeliveryBulkCreateRequest_Out sent from TM to ERP for FU1 and FU2.
- This creates deliveries DLV1 and DLV2 on ERP.
- Two IntracompanyTransportationRequestRequest_In received by TM from ERP for DLV1 and DLV2, respectively, but the one for DLV2 may have been received before the one for DLV2.
- Error /SCMTMS/TRQ117 is returned for the request for DLV2, with message "Cannot find dTR for preceding delivery DLV1".
- Delivery-based Transportation Requirement (DTR) correctly created for DLV1 but not for DLV2.
" (/SCMTMS/TRQ117) error on DTR creation in SAP Transportation Management"> Read more...
- SAP Transportation Management 9.0+
SAP Transportation Management 9.0 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.1 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.2 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.3 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.4 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.5 ; SAP Transportation Management 9.6
PPO2 /SCMTMS/TRQ 117 Cannot find dTR for preceding delivery /SCMTMS/CL_TRQ_HELPER_SERVICE CHECK_PREC_DELS_EXIST_EXTENDED , KBA , TM-INT-LI-CS-DLV , Delivery Creation , TM-INT-LI , Logistics Integration - General , TM-INT-LI-CS , Logistics Integration - Cross-System , TM-PLN-FU-FUB , Freight Unit Building , Problem
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