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2499217 - 'sp_iqindexrebuildwidedata makes incorrect syntax and causes error -- 'db_sqlcre.cxx 167' -- SAP IQ 16


In migration steps to IQ16.0 & 16.1, customer must rebuild all columns wider than 255 characters (CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, VARBINARY ,Long Varchar and Long Binary).
SP 'sp_iqindexrebuildwidedata' identifies wide columns to be rebuilt. But sp_iqindexrebuildwidedata makes incorrect syntax and causes error like below.

* Execution & Error

  > sp_iqrebuildindex '"GROUPO.Products"' , 'column "Photo" 0' ;

  Error =>

      Exception Thrown from dblib/db_sqlcre.cxx:167, Err# 134, tid 2 origtid 2
      I. 07/04 10:54:33. 0000176104    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 4098 (db_sqlexception); SQLCode: -1009141, SQLState: 'QCA51', Severity: 14
      I. 07/04 10:54:33. 0000176104 [21061]: Table 'DBA.GROUPO.Products' cannot be found in the IQ store.
      -- (dblib/db_sqlcre.cxx 167)

* Purpose of sp_iqindexrebuildwidedata

 CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, and VARBINARY columns wider than 255 characters, as well as all Long Varchar
 and Long Binary columns in databases migrated to SAP IQ 16.0 must be rebuilt before the database
 engine can perform read/write activities on them.

 sp_iqindexrebuildwidedata identifies these columns and generates a list of statements
 that you can use to rebuild the columns with the sp_iqrebuildindex procedure



SAP IQ 16.0


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1


sp_iqindexrebuildwidedata ; 'rebuild column' ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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