Following error occurs:
|00:09:15|BTC |<wp>|<client>|<user>| | |BZ |3|Return value OLF_W not expected |
|00:09:15|BTC |<wp>|<client>|<user>| | |BY |0|> myCluster: RFBLG myKey: <keyvalue> |
|00:09:15|BTC |<wp>|<client>|<user>| | |BY |Z|Cluster buffer commit unsuccessful |
|00:09:15|BTC |<wp>|<client>|<user>| | |R3 |8|Error at DB commit, return code 001024 |
|00:09:15|BTC |<wp>|<client>|<user>| | |R1 |8|SAP Commit Failed |
B dbmyclu c3_page_zero_access (1.14708): OLF when calling db_tran94.
B ***LOG BZ3=> invalid return code OLF_WRITE received [dbmyclu 14710]
B ***LOG BY0=> myCluster: RFBLG myKey: <keyvalue> [dbmyclu 14710]
B dbmyclu : c2_compress (1.5831): received return code 4 from c3_page_zero_access (page_no 0, prev. pg cnt 1).
B dbmyclu : c3_write_cluster_on_db (1.15135): received return code 4 from c2_compress (page_cnt 1).
B dbmyclu : db_rcfl2 (1.3039): received return code 4 from c3_write_cluster_on_db (index 0, mod_cnt 17).
B ***LOG BYZ=> can not synchronize cluster buffer - commit failed [dblink 1451]
B db_con_commit received error 1024 in before-commit action, returning 8
M ***LOG R38=> ThICommit3, db_commit98 ( 001024) [thxxhead.c 14698]
M ***LOG R18=> ThPrivCommit, ThICommit () [thxxhead.c 15617]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThPrivCommit: ThICommit (step 4, th_errno 9, action 2, level 1) [thxxhead.c 11614]
M {root-id=<rootID>}_{conn-id=<connID>}_1
M DpVmcGetVmByTmAdm: no VM found for <value>(locked VMs ignored)
M ThResetEmMagic: reset em magic for <value>
ABAP System with cluster table
myCluster, myKey, dbmyclu, db_con_commit , KBA , BC-DB-DBI , DB Independent Database Interface , Problem
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