After upgrading SAP IQ server to IQ 16 data is getting incorrectly updated, resulting in HG index corruption.
On the tables involved when sp_iqcheckdb 'verify index <HG index>' is executed then you will see the following output :
** Inconsistent Index owner.table1.ASIQ_IDX_T1335_C2_HG
Verified Index owner.table1.ASIQ_IDX_T1335_C2_FP
FP Indexes Checked 1
HG Indexes Checked 1
** HG Missing Keys 85480
** Rows in hg do not match the column ebm 1
The following conditions need to exist for it to happen:
- PK-FK condition needs to exist
- The column should have a compare index
If compare index did not exist then one will get following error and data will not get inserted:
Cannot load/insert/update FK FK_Table2_Table1 row
7578309 because of RI violation.
-- (slib/s_ohcidx.cxx 5759)
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP IQ 16.1
incorrect result , upgrade , migration , corruption , secondary index , compare index , foreign key relationship , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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