- When setting up replication from Non-SAP source (Oracle) system, using System Landscape Transformation (SLT). in transaction LTRC | MT_ID (mass transfer ID) | Table Overview the load for a table is not starting because the trigger status is missing. Though when checking the database the trigger is there. The following error message is shown in the worker process logs:
- OCIStmtExecute() failed with -1=OCI_ERROR, SQL error 942:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Error 942 reading V$DATABASE
SAP Landscape Transformation replication server
SAP Landscape Transformation replication server all versions
SLT, Oracle, Error 942 reading V$PDBS , KBA , CA-LT-SLT , SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server (SLT) , Problem
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