- User cant remeber the PIN;
- Admins would like to reset the PIN for the users.
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SAP Successfactors Learning
We can get the user pin reset in Three ways as below :
1.By Admin : Currently the PIN reset is done individually on the Action Menu, Reset User PIN. Please follow below instruction
- Navigate to People > Users
- Search for relevant user and click on "Reset User Pin" from Actions Menu at the righ hand corner of User setting menu.
2.Force users to change while they login : if all users PIN need to be changed, you can set the PIN expiration for 1 day, this way all PINs will expire in one day and then you could change the configuration back.
- Navigate to System Admin > Configuration > Global Application Settings
- Select "Electronic Signature Settings" and enable "Enable Pin Expiration" and set "PIN expires after" to "1".
Once the users have reset their PIN you can change the expiration value again
3.User Initial Login:
If the "Enable electronic signatures" is enabled at the " Global Application Settings" > "Electronic Signature Settings", then the users will be mandatorily forced to change the PIN with his/her initial login to system.
LMS Reset PIN, How to reset PIN at initial Login, Initial Login , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-ESG , E-Signature , How To