This knowledge base article explains why the WBS element cannot be changed in the booking screen. It picks up the WBS element by default in the booking menu.
- While booking the same participant in the same Course or canceling their existing booking and book them again as a fresh new participant, the WBS element cannot be changed in the booking screen. It picks up the WBS element by default in the booking menu.
- When you try to update the new WBS element this gets successfully reflected in LSO_PV18 but in the participation menu the default WBS is still shown.
Human Capital Management (HCM) |
SAP Learning Solution 6.0 |
Default WBS instead of actual WBS, WBS Element, Book/ Payment Info, Booking, Participant, Activity Allocation, Cost Distribution, LSO_PV18 & LSO_PSV2 , KBA , PE-LSO-TM , Training Management , How To
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