When copying/pasting a text from/to a Web Dynpro application the formatting of the text is not the same as the original text.
- Spaces, extra lines may appear or disappear.
- Special character "#" may appear.
- The table cell is carried over when copying from WD to another application (e.g. Microsoft Word).
- Web Dynpro ABAP
- SAP NetWeaver
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions
Web Dynpro, Webdynpro, kopieren und einfügen, input field, long text field, tab, tabulator, Microsoft word, FormattedTextEdit, RichTextEdit, text editor, notepad, create unformatted text, Web Dynpro ABAP, WDA, , KBA , BC-WD-ABA , Web Dynpro ABAP , BC-WD-ABA-REN , Rendering , BC-WD-ABA-RUN , Web Dynpro ABAP Runtime , BC-WD-ABA-CFG , Configuration / Personalization , BC-WD-ABA-GEN , Generation , Problem
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