SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2500299 - Publish Button does not Trigger any action on Custom Catalog


The Rollback Publishing button is disabled and Publish button does not trigger any action when you select Publish on custom catalog


SAP BusinessByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Product Portfolio work center
  2. Select view Catalogs
  3. Show Catalogs to Be Published
  4. Custom Catalog will be displayed
  5. Select Publish button

No action triggered


When end user triggered publishing, same catalog was locked by another user which caused the process to halt in between.

You can see the lock happened due to which user by following below steps:

  1.  Go to Product portfolio work center
  2.  Go to Catalogs view
  3.  Select the Catalog and click on button 'View publication log'
  4.  Go to Results tab
  5.  Where you will see error 

Locking object not possible; object locked by XXXX (name of employee).

Please note that there are many business objects involved in this process and one of the object got stuck in an inconsistent state which is responsible for changing the status and triggering background job for publishing catalog.

Due to this, publish action did not work and moreover,since the catalog status is either Started or Failed, rollback is also not allowed.


You can import the entire data to a new catalog and use the new one and delete this old catalog.


Catalog;Custom Catalog;Catalog import failed;Unable to publish; cannot publish catalog , KBA , rollback publishing , catalog , custom catalog , publish failed , locked by , AP-CCM , Catalog Content Management , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions