During an upgrade, the Software Update Manager (SUM) stops in MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG phase, with many errors informing that standard SLT tables could not be activated.
=== ACTUPG.ELG ====================================
3 EDT012XActivate table "/1CADMC/S0000217"
2WEDT202 Specify a delivery class from the set ("A,C,E,G,L,S,W")
2WEDT192 Enhancement category for table missing
2WEDT193 Enhancement category for include or subtype missing 1EEDT211 Field "VARDATA" (Length > "255" for "RAW" only allowed for non-DB tables)
1EEDT617 Maintain size category for table "/1CADMC/S0000217"
3 EDT013 Table "/1CADMC/S0000217" was not activated
3 EDT012XActivate table "/1CADMC/S0000223"
2WEDT202 Specify a delivery class from the set ("A,C,E,G,L,S,W")
2WEDT192 Enhancement category for table missing
2WEDT193 Enhancement category for include or subtype missing
1EEDT211 Field "VARDATA" (Length > "255" for "RAW" only allowed for non-DB tables)
1EEDT617 Maintain size category for table "/1CADMC/S0000223"
1EEDT616 Maintain data class for table "/1CADMC/S0000223"
3 EDT013 Table "/1CADMC/S0000223" was not activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "/1CADMC/S0000223" could not be activated
The table informed in the logs may vary, including some /1LT/* tables:
=== ACTUPG.ELG ====================================
3 EDT012XActivate table "/1LT/20200000333"
1EEDT211 Field "VARDATA" (Length > "255" for "RAW" only allowed for non-DB tables)
3 EDT013 Table "/1LT/20200000333" was not activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "/1LT/20200000333" could not be activated
SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
"255" for "RAW" only allowed for non-DB tables , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-DWB-DIC-AC , ABAP Dictionary Activation and Conversion , Problem
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