SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2500601 - FTE is not mapping with numberOpenings when Creating a Job Requisition via Position Org Chart - Recruiting Management


When creating a Job Requisition via Position Org Chart, the value from FTE field in Position is not automatically populated in the Job Requisition.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental. 


SuccessFactors Recruiting Management - All versions with Integration between Recruiting and Employee Central Position Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Position Org Chart;
  2. Select a Position;
  3. Create a Job Requisition from Position;
  4. Verify that field "Number of Openings" in the requisition was not filled with the value from FTE Field in Position


This is currently not possible in the present version of the application. The reason this is not possible is because the concept of FTE is not the same concept as the Number of Openings.

The FTE (full-time equivalent) field has its value automatically calculated by the system via a formula:

FTE = standard weekly hours in Job Info/standard weekly hours in base object, where the term “base object” refers to the Position, Company, Location, or Job Classification.

Therefore, although this may be displayed in the Position as a whole number, this is actually a result of a formula in hours.
In Recruiting, Number of Openings is based only on whole numbers and would not be able to be mapped based on the FTE value.

For complete details regarding field's behavior, please check the Employee Central Position Management Admin Guide available to be downloaded HERE.

NOTE: In Recruiting Implementation/Admin Guide, there is the following statement:

"The templates used for integration must always have the following standard fields.

    • numberOpenings
    • positionNumber

You don't need to map these fields using a rule because the system fills them automatically."

However, this only means that the Number of Openings defined in the pop up displayed when creating the requisition from Position will be sent automatically to the Job Requisition without the need of any mapping in Busines Rules.



In case you would like to map the FTE or any Decimal field from Position to Job Requisition, you are able to as long as the Job Requisition field is a "Text" field.

Further details, please check the article: 2462194 - How to map a Decimal field from the Position to a Text field in the Job Requisition


 FTE, numberofopenings, position, mapping, org chart , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , LOD-SF-RCM-INT , Integration Center & Intelligent Services , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions