At the transaction SM58, tRFC entries are stuck in an error state.
The error text is "The initial password has expired (request a new on".
The complete error text would be "The initial password has expired (request a new one)".
The RFC trace files (dev_rfcXX) have entries like the below:
**** Trace file opened at <same date and time as the SM58 entry> UTC, by disp+work
**** Versions SAP-REL 742,0,400 RFC-VER U 3 1667017 MT-SL
======> The initial password has expired (request a new one)
ABAP Programm: SAPLERFC (Transaction: )
Called function module: ARFC_DEST_SHIP
User: <user ID> (Client: <client>)
Destination: <destination name> (...)
SERVER> RFC Server Session (...)
SERVER> Caller host:
SERVER> Caller transaction code: (Caller Program: SAPLQOWK)
SERVER> Called function module: ARFC_RUN_NOWAIT
- Product / Release independent;
- Middleware / RFC.
KBA , BC-MID-RFC-QT , Queued RFC (qRFC) and transactional RFC (tRFC) , BC-MID-RFC , RFC , BC-SEC , Security - Read KBA 2985997 for subcomponents , Problem
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