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2500966 - tRFCs with "The initial password has expired" error status


At the transaction SM58, tRFC entries are stuck in an error state.

The error text is "The initial password has expired (request a new on".

The complete error text would be "The initial password has expired (request a new one)".

The RFC trace files (dev_rfcXX) have entries like the below:

**** Trace file opened at <same date and time as the SM58 entry>  UTC, by disp+work
**** Versions SAP-REL 742,0,400 RFC-VER U 3 1667017 MT-SL
======> The initial password has expired (request a new one)
ABAP Programm: SAPLERFC (Transaction: )
Called function module: ARFC_DEST_SHIP
User: <user ID> (Client: <client>)
Destination: <destination name> (...)
SERVER> RFC Server Session (...)
SERVER> Caller host:
SERVER> Caller transaction code: (Caller Program: SAPLQOWK)
SERVER> Called function module: ARFC_RUN_NOWAIT



  • Product / Release independent;
  • Middleware / RFC.


SAP NetWeaver all versions


KBA , BC-MID-RFC-QT , Queued RFC (qRFC) and transactional RFC (tRFC) , BC-MID-RFC , RFC , BC-SEC , Security - Read KBA 2985997 for subcomponents , Problem

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